The Hospitality Flywheel - How Technology and Communication can Dramatically Boost Bookings and Growth.
Introducing the Hospitality Flywheel - how Tech and Communications can dramatically boost bookings and growth
Introducing the Hospitality Flywheel - how Tech and Communications can dramatically boost bookings and growth
AirBnB by Voice - a Podcast Episode on VoiceTech
AirBnB House Rules Template
The ultimate guide to getting amazing guest reviews for your hotels and vacation rentals
Three awesome tactics AirBnB hosts can try in 2019 to increase direct bookings
How to market your AirBnB listings and how technology can help with better marketing, conversions, and retention.
How to know whether to hire a property management company vs managing your rentals by yourself
What you get when you use yada - Way more than a virtual concierge!
Here is a list of five amazing benefits of using AI messaging and a virtual concierge in your short term rentals
If you are not using automation and AI in your AirBnBs and short term rentals, you're wasting your time and money.