Airbnb Hosting

The Ultimate Guide for Short Term Rental Property Onboarding

Efficiently onboard new short term rental properties with our comprehensive guide, including a downloadable checklist, tips, and best practices.

Onboarding a new property is one of the most exciting positive things that can happen to any property manager and short term rental property management company. It's a sign of growth, and is validation for all the hard work you're doing building a great business and a great brand.

However, onboarding and going live with new properties can also be a time-intensive challenge that done without a lot of structure and a detailed checklists. Having such a checklist can ensure a smooth onboarding process or a smooth transition from a long term rental to a short term rental. To help you out with this process, we've put together this resource for you - a detailed guided to onboarding new properties, a downloadable PDF checklist, and a couple of pro tips that'll make a lot of that onboarding process easier and faster.

Table of Contents

  1. Onboarding Guide PDF (Email Required)
  2. Collecting Property Information
  3. Legal and Financial
  4. Cleaning & Maintenance
  5. Marketing and Growth
  6. Analytics and Reporting

If you'd like, you can grab our quick checklist below ⬇️ or continue reading to get all the details, tips & tricks, and best practices!

Form CTA


Collecting Property Information

The most important part of onboarding a new property is getting all the right property information. For you, this is a completely new property, and more likely than not, you won't know much about it aside from the address.

Thankfully, you've got an amazing resource - the property owner. They've got most of what you need stuck in their head or in their notes. Successfully getting as much of this information as possible is key to a smooth and easy onboarding process. More importantly, prioritizing getting this information from the owner will help you drive better guest experiences and have a more streamlined guest support process down the road.


Basic Property Information

The first thing you need is basic location and property layout information.

  • Property Address
  • Property size (square feet / square meters)
  • Property Layout and Floor Plan
  • Parking permits / special rules

You can usually get this information through Google Maps - in the case of layouts and floor plans, you should ask the owner to email these to you or print them out ASAP. We cannot stress how useful and important it is to have a floorpan of the property when interacting with guests.


Amenities and Detailed Property Information

Once you've gotten all your basic property information, we highly recommend working with the owner to get details about as many amenities as possible and get the owner to do a data dump from their head or existing notes. Why is this important? Extracting as much owner information as possible will make onboarding the property much easier and will help your team when messaging - knowing how the AC works, how to turn on the hot tub jets, etc.

There are a three ways you can do this. We'll start with our least favorite way and end with our favorite way of getting property information!

1 - FaceTime Walkthrough of the property.

Estimated Total Time (Walkthrough + Notes + Data Entry): 6-7hr

How does this work? Simple. You'll get on a FaceTime, Viber, Messenger, etc. call with the owner and ask them to walk you through the entire property - from before the entrance to all the way in the back. Take screenshots. Take notes. And record the video if possible. You'll use this direct interaction with the property owner to fill out a google sheet or notion site or yada listing with all the information they provide. You may have to ask them to back up a few details, zoom in, or rewatch certain parts of the video to make sure that everything is plugged in accurately.


Pros of a FaceTime Walkthrough

  • You can do it remotely
  • You may end up with a recording which you can reference later

Cons of a FaceTime Walkthrough

  • You won't be able to "interrupt" as much as you'd like to ask clarifying questions.
  • You'll have to write a lot and take a lot of notes.
  • You'll be reliant on the owner knowing how to pan and move around well enough to give you good footage.
  • You won't be in control of the pictures (if needed)
  • It can take as many as 7 hours to complete and do thoroughly
  • You might irritate the owner if you have to chat back and forth with them frequently.


2 - Live Walkthrough of the property.

Estimated Total Time (Walkthrough + Notes + Data Entry): 4-7hr

The second method of getting property information is to actually show up to the property and get an in-depth tour of it with the owner. As in the previous method - the FaceTime walkthrough - you will want to take pictures, videos, and detailed notes. While you're on site, you can either plug content directly into a google sheet, airtable project, or notion template, but you can also use the yada Listing content management system for effective and efficient data entry and data management.

Similar to the FaceTime walkthrough, you're going to have to go through a lot of notes and do a lot of data entry after the walkthrough is complete.

Pros of a Live Walkthrough

  • You'll get to "zoom in" as much as you want to any of the amenities and details about that property.
  • You probably won't have to bug the owner after that initial walkthrough

Cons of a Live Walkthrough

  • You'll have to drive to the property.
  • You'll still have to do a lot of data entry once you're back from the walkthrough.
  • You might have forgotten to take a picture of something, grabbed a model number for an HVAC, etc.


3 - Digital Forms to get Property Information

Estimated Total Time (Form Sends, Data Cleanup) 1-2hr

Right off the bat you can see that using forms is the most time efficient and asynchronous way to get detailed property information. There are two ways you can go about using forms. First is to make a google form for each property, and link this google form up with a google spreadsheet. This way you can send a form link to property owners, to yourself if you're on site, or to cleaners, maintenance personnel, etc.

Annoyingly, google forms creates new rows for each form submission. If you've got 10 people collaborating on a listing and getting all the information in (the owner, your colleagues, etc.) you're still going to have to consolidate information into one master google sheet. Remember, each form submission creates a new entry - it does not update the existing entry or form submission.

The best solution for this is yada forms - forms which are specifically designed for short term rental property managers and AirBnB hosts to get all the important listing information out of the owners heads, from on-site staff, and from colleges and team members who also may stop by the property.

Here's a quick video overview


Basically, yada forms are smart forms that are directly connected to yada listings. They update listing content and amenity details, and are sharable with your staff, owners, and anyone who is on site.

Once your listings are created you can create, share, and view form responses in real time. The first step is to sent a form collaboration invite to the owner. We recommend pairing this with a quick FaceTime call or phone call to walk them through the form and what type of details to put in. Model numbers, tips and tricks, and relevant pictures are always useful to include in form entries.

Pros of using Yada Forms

  • All responses are consolidated into one place.
  • You can asynchronously get data from owners and on-site staff.
  • People submitting Yada Forms can also upload images and videos in those forms to augment listing and amenity details.
  • Setup is instantaneous
  • Very time efficient and cost effective
  • Infinitely scalable - Yada forms can scale to thousands of listings, tens of thousands of sends, and hundreds of thousands of submissions.

Cons of using Yada Forms

  • You're limited in the form design. Unfortunately you can't customize too much how the form looks, colors, layouts etc.




Legal and Financial

The Legal and Financial aspect of managing a short term rental may seem tedious but with our simple checklist for Legal and Financial action items, it'll become an absolute breeze.

1 - Sign the Rental Management Agreement

Before you get started with any onboarding and any management, you'll need to sign a rental management agreement. This agreement covers things like compensation, liability, responsibility, contract terms, and contract length. It's important to use a well built template that protects both you and the owner.

2 - Collect a W9

Since you're going to be paying out the owner, you'll need a tax document and tax vessel to do this through. This is so you can collect accurate tax information for reporting rental income and issuing necessary tax documents, such as a 1099, to the IRS.

3 - Set up Payment Method for Owner Distributions

Your property owners want to get their payouts, and they want to get them regularly (usually every month or after every reservation). You'll want to set up a system through your PMS or through stripe that'll allow you to regularly pay out your owners.

If your owners collect the revenue directly from the OTA, you'll need to work with them to set up a system for them to pay you out, either as a cohost through the OTA or through a regular payout.

4 - Get copies of all relevant insurance documents

Make sure that the property is adequately insured, and make sure to purchase short term rental insurance if it's required by your county, town etc.

5 - Check local Short Term Rental regulations and make sure you have all the required permits.

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Many towns, municipalities, and states have all sorts of regulations when it comes to short term rentals. It is incredibly important to be aware and in compliance with all of these regulations. If you go to the AirBnB Help Center and search for your state, you'll get very up-to-date guides. But also always google short term rental regulations for your area.



Cleaning and Maintenance

As a short-term rental manager, adding a new property to your portfolio is like adding a shiny new toy to your collection. But before you pop the champagne, let’s ensure your guests have a stellar experience and your investment remains rock-solid. Setting up a bulletproof cleaning and maintenance system is your ticket to hassle-free onboarding. 

1. Hiring the Right Cleaning Team

The cleanliness of your property can make or break the guest experience. Since you're adding a new listing to your existing portfolio, you probably already have a list of cleaners. But if you don't, here are some important things to look for.

  • Flexibility: Your cleaners should be able to handle tight check-in/check-out schedules. Ensure they are available during peak times like weekends and holidays. And that they can arrive at short notice if a reservation changes.
  • Consistency: Guests expect the same level of cleanliness regardless of their stay date. Look for a team that consistently delivers high-quality results.
  • Attention to Detail: Areas like under beds, corners, and behind appliances need to be cleaned regularly. Guests notice small things that could lead to negative reviews if ignored.

Yada Pro Tip: Create a cleaning checklist for your team to follow. It should include essential tasks like sanitizing high-touch areas (doorknobs, light switches), restocking supplies, and checking for any damages.

2. Task Management and Communication

To make communication easy and instantaneous, we highly recommend setting up something like slack for your team. It's like an instant-messaging platform for professional teams, and makes it incredibly easy to sent updates and tasks to your team.

3. Stocking Cleaning Supplies

Ensure your cleaning team always has access to the necessary supplies. The last thing you want is for cleaners to arrive at the property only to be missing some essential supplies. The easier you make the cleaners jobs, the faster the turnovers will be and the happier your cleaning team will be.

  • Bulk Purchasing: Buy supplies like paper towels, cleaning agents, and toiletries in bulk to save on costs and minimize the risk of running out. Consider getting a membership to a warehouse store like CostcoRestaurant Depot, or BJ's
  • Supply Checklist: Provide your cleaning team with a checklist of essential supplies that should be in stock after each turnover, like toilet paper, soap, and cleaning cloths.
  • Local Storage: Set up a small storage area in the property or a nearby location so that your cleaning team doesn’t have to carry everything with them each time.

4. Conduct Preventative Maintenance and Collect Guest Surveys

Preventive and emergency maintenance is critical for the longevity of your property. Think of it like a car - if you take it in for regular inspections and checkups, the chances of something going wrong with your engine decrease drastically. Fixing something before a problem arises is always cheaper than fixing something after an issue occurs

  • Establish a Preventive Maintenance Routine: Create a monthly or quarterly checklist that includes tasks like checking smoke alarms, HVAC systems, plumbing, and appliances. Address small issues before they become major problems.
  • Send checkout forms to guests: These forms, which can be sent through yada, are used to collect information from guests about what amenities they used and what parts of the property they used. This can help your maintenance and cleaning team focus on the things that need the most care and upkeep.


5. Communication with Guests

Keep your guests informed about your cleaning and maintenance policies to build trust and reduce complaints. Here’s what you can do:

  • Pre-Arrival Information: Send an email or message explaining your property's cleaning standards and maintenance process. This reassures guests that their health and safety are a priority.
  • Feedback System: After check-out, request feedback on cleanliness and property upkeep. This can help you fine-tune your process and address any overlooked details.
  • Emergency Contacts for Guests: Provide guests with emergency contact numbers for situations like power outages, leaks, or broken appliances, so they know whom to call in urgent scenarios.

6. Maintaining Standards with Regular Inspections

Lastly, regular property inspections ensure that your cleaning and maintenance teams uphold the quality you expect. Schedule monthly or quarterly walkthroughs to spot-check for wear and tear, deep cleaning needs, or safety issues.



Set up a Marketing Plan

Understanding Your Target Audience

The first step in creating a successful marketing plan is to understand your target audience. Who are your target guests? What makes them book? What's going to make them come back?

Defining Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Your USP is what sets you apart from your competitors. What makes your property management services unique? Is it your level of customer service, your expertise in a specific market, or your innovative technology? Clearly define your USP and incorporate it into your marketing messaging.

🤔 Yada Pro Tip - Differentiate your short term rental. Find a unique theme, decor, or vibe that will let it stand out. Are you in an area famous for Bachelorette Parties? Make that the theme! Are you in the desert? Make it Mesa themed!

Developing a Marketing Strategy

Once you have a clear understanding of your target guest, unique branding, and goals, you can start developing your marketing strategy. This will involve determining the channels you will use to reach your audience, such as:

  • Social media: Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok can be effective for reaching potential clients.
  • Content marketing: Creating valuable content, such as blog posts, videos, or infographics, can help establish you as an expert in your field.
  • Email marketing: Using your existing email list from previous visits to drive repeat bookings.
  • Paid advertising: Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads can help you target specific demographics and interests.

Launch the Listing with your Existing Guests

If you've been a property manager for any amount of time, you've already built up a good contact list of previous guests. You can use this list to effectively market to previous guests and launch the listing with them! New offerings are always a great way to get previous guests involved, and interested in booking again.

Yada offers a really powerful and easy to use marketing automation platform for short term rental hosts that uses smart segments and tested templates to dive repeat bookings and conversions.




Analytics and Reporting

Once you've onboarded a new short-term rental into your portfolio, it's crucial to track its performance and make data-driven decisions. Knowledge is power! Here’s a quick guide on how to effectively monitor key metrics and view analytics:

Essential Metrics to Track:

  • Booking Rate: How often is the property being booked compared to its availability?
  • Occupancy Rate: What percentage of time is the property occupied?
  • Average Daily Rate (ADR): What is the average price per night that guests are paying?
  • Revenue: How much total revenue is the property generating?
  • Guest Reviews: What feedback are guests providing about their stay?
  • Channel Performance: Which booking channels are driving the most bookings?

Using Analytics to Optimize Performance:

  • Identify Opportunities: Analyze your data to identify areas where you can improve, such as increasing occupancy rates or ADR.
  • Make Data-Driven Decisions: Use insights from your analytics to make informed decisions about pricing,marketing, and property management.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Continuously track performance and make adjustments as needed to optimize your property's success.

Your Property Management System is going to have some really good analytics, as are messaging platforms like Yada. Click the link below to see how you can get some good insights into marketing and messaging analytics!


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