Digital guidebooks that Deflect and Delight

Yada Guidebook users see a 31% decrease in messaging volume! Rip out your old emails, templates, PDF's and binders and replace them with smart, contextual, digital guidebooks.

Easy as 1, 2, 3

Guidebooks at Every Guest Touchpoint

  • Cut your Messaging Volume in Half

  • Build your Marketing Database

  • Instant Setup

Guidebook Deflections Really Work!

According to ZenDesk, 72% of guests would rather self serve instead of reaching out and talking to you guys. Guidebooks let them do this. Talk about a Win-Win!

Yada Guidebooks are designed to provide guests with the most important information - whenever they need it - so they answer their own questions first, and never even get in touch!

97% of Guidebook Visitors leave an Email Address

If most of your bookings are coming through an OTA, you're loosing a ton of potential repeat customers. Our guidebooks are designed to gather as much contact information as possible so you can get them to come back - again and again!

Guidebooks Out of the Box!

As long as your listings are in Yada, they have a guidebook - by default! One Input, many Outputs. The same content is used to power the guidebooks, chatbots, and suggested responses.

Our layouts and themes are all built in so you don't have to spend a second on design!


Useful Guidebook Information

How can I order QR code packs?

Simple! While you're logged into the yada portal you'll have the option of ordering a printable PDF which you can cut and laminate yourself, or ordering a fully laminated QR code pack for one listing or all of them.

QR code packs come with the following

Cover Cards - To be placed near entrances and trafficked areas

Amenity Cards - Business-card sized laminated cards for specific amenities that get a lot of questions. Like WIFI, HVAC, Sauna Settings, Etc. These are usually attached near the amenity.

How do the Yada Guidebooks collect Contact Info?

Yada exchanges information for contact! For example, getting easy access to wifi information requires an email address. Of course, the guest can search for wifi info and passwords themselves, but the 1 second access requires an email address.

Our metrics show that even in groups of guests, over 75% of them will submit their email address. What does this mean? Not only are you getting the original guests contact info, you're getting it for every other guest as well.

Do guidebooks cost anything extra?

Nope - guidebooks are included in our standard plan!